Blog – Francis Rozange
Introduction to SEO
Introduction to SEOGoogle has come a long way since its launch in 1993. Now relying heavily on artificial intelligence, its algorithms use hundreds of different criteria to reference your website. Here are four of them: Trust Your site should have backlinks from...
What are “rich snippets”?
This is a very simple code that is integrated into your html code. It allows Google to better understand the content of your page and possibly highlight it in the results, typically at the top, which is of course very...
Google Analytics Basis
Google analyticsAs for Chrome and Android, Google Analytics is slightly devilish: after an easy and quick installation on your website, you will have access in the Google console to multiple statistics relating to your site,...
On-Page SEO
Le SEO on-page rassemble toutes les techniques d’optimisation internes à votre site web, cela peut paraître fastidieux et technique mais en réalités l’essentiel de ces taches peuvent être automatisées. Tout d’abord, il s’agit de s’assurer qu’il est référencé par...
SEO and Social Media
Google has always said that there is no direct link between SEO and social networks, but indirect links are very real: by making your site known on social networks, you will only improve your SEO… Add Twitter, Facebook or other icons in the footers of all your...
The Facebook algorithm, a brief history in time
Four essential attributes determine The Facebook Algorithm: Novelty, Popularity, Content, and Relationships. The same is true for all other social networks that publish a news feed, such as Twitter or LinkedIn. The organic reach is the number of people reached by...
10 big tips for your first Google Ads campaign
Google Ads : Introduction Tout d’abord un petit peu de vocabulaire : PPC signifie Pay-Per-Click et cela résume parfaitement le fonctionnement de Google ads : un internaute clique sur votre publicité, vous payez. C’est aussi simple que cela. Et à présent, un peu...